Leading a Sustainable Future

We recognise that our collective responsibility extends beyond commercial outcomes, and it includes our relationship with people, and the environment. At Scott, we are passionate about pursuing a long-term sustainable future together with our customers, communities, and wider stakeholders.

ESG Sustainability

In 2021, we committed to leading a sustainable future with the development of our first sustainability strategy. This strategy established a series of long-term ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) goals and identifies the measures to report people, planet, and purpose driven achievements as we work together to build a brighter, more sustainable world for generations to come.

Our Sustainability Pillars



People are at the core of what we do. It is our commitment to continue to build an engaged, diverse, and talented workforce. It focuses on retention and recruitment which is a priority for our people-led business. This is supported by a commitment to maintaining a safe and inclusive working environment for all our people.



Purpose refers to the recipients of our solutions and services – Scott’s customers and shareholders. It covers the importance of building meaningful customer relationships, which is a key foundation of the Scott 2025 strategy. This pillar also highlights Scott’s commitment to growing a profitable business focused on long term growth and positive shareholder return.



Place outlines the organisation’s commitment to the environment and ensures it develops and encourages sustainable business practices. Our focus on Sustainability ensures that Scott is partnering with employees, customers, suppliers that share our values.

Defining our Sustainability Matrix

In developing our sustainability strategy, we conducted a materiality assessment to discover what matters most to our key stakeholders. These were plotted against the topics that have the biggest impact on our business to form our materiality matrix.

We are at the beginning of our sustainability journey and our framework is the starting point. Each issue will be expanded upon as our sustainability strategy matures and as different issues become material to our business and to our stakeholders.

View our Materiality Matrix

Our focus on sustainability ensures that Scott is partnering with employees, customers and suppliers that share our values.

Aaron Vanwalleghem
President Europe & North America

Our Progress

We are proud of our ESG progress to date; however, we recognise that we are still in the early days of our sustainability journey and there are still many opportunities.

GHG emissions

Delivering for our planet: Understanding our carbon emissions

In 2021, Scott Technology, with support from New Zealand-based sustainability experts, Tadpole, embarked on a project to measure and understand its carbon emissions across the global business. Europe and ANZ (Australia and New Zealand) were selected as the initial markets for scoping, capturing 70% of the business, with China and the US to follow in FY23.

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Delivering for our people: Be Safe, Be Well, Be Scott

Driving a high-performance safety culture is key to delivering long-term positive outcomes for Scott Technology. In FY22, the organisation’s safety and wellbeing strategy has continued to be championed by the people of Scott, which Director of Marketing and People, Casey Jenkins, believes is a huge contributing factor to why the health and safety metrics show great improvement.

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